How can I get help with research and reference questions?
Stop by our Circulation Desk during library hours to speak directly with a librarian. Check our website's Research page for digital resources and databases to help you with your inquiries. Can't make it to the library? Feel free to email us at or call 603-673-2288 for assistance.
Do you have Federal Tax Forms?
Amherst Town Library provides a few Federal and New Hampshire Tax forms and publications.
Please note that the IRS is strongly encouraging obtaining tax forms online and are thus sending fewer hard copies to libraries. The IRS will be providing only the following federal forms and instructions to libraries: 1040 & 1040SR. We typically receive forms and publications by mid-February.
Does the library offer Test Proctoring?
We offer some test proctoring, with restrictions, for Amherst Town Library cardholders. See our Test Proctoring policy for details.
Does the library offer access to a microfiche reader or microfilm machine?
Yes, the microfilm machine is available any time the library is open.
The Amherst Town Library has the following microfiche/film on site and available for use:
- Village Messenger
- Farmer’s Cabinet/Milford Cabinet
- Town Records
- Records from the Congregational Church
You can also request microfilm through interlibrary loan from sources like the NH Historical Society or Library of Congress to view on the library’s microfilm machine.